Sponsor P
31 October 2013 - 31 October 2014
The Contractor will further develop the Tor Browser Bundle, the primary tool used to browse the Internet safely and anonymously. The efforts of this contract will increase safety of its users by deploying new security and usability improvements.
- Tor Browser Patches
- Secure Update
- Mozilla Persona
- API Development
- Merging and Maintenance
- Tor Browser Extension Dev
- Usability Improvements
- PT Config
- HTTPS Everywhere Dev
- Build Security
- Future Work
Goals for Firefox 24ESR series
- Unified Pluggable Transport bundles with UI configuration - #9444 (closed) and #10418 (moved)
- Port Tor Launcher to Thunderbird and other Mozilla platforms - #11076 (moved)
- Improve Windows and OSX dock behavior - #9173 (closed) and #11641 (closed)
- Deploy an alpha with the Firefox Updater - #4234 (moved)
- Merge any acceptable patches by Firefox 31 merge deadline - completed
- Build security work - Make progress on gitian and security tickets
- Privacy UI improvements - Make progress on usability tickets; Improve NoScript Usability
- Security Slider - #9387 (moved)
Goals for Firefox 31ESR series
- Rebase patches on top of Firefox 31ESR
- Review Firefox 31ESR for privacy and Tor Security
- Pluggable Transport UI refinement (as needed) - #11180 (moved)
- In-browser circuit and exit IP reporting - #5752 (moved) and child tickets
- Further identifier privacy and fingerprinting improvements - Make progress on fingerprinting and linkability tickets
- Provide sandbox installation scripts in the default bundles - #5791 (moved)
- Deploy a Mozila Persona testing instance - #12193 (closed)
- HTTPS-Everywhere enhancements and reporting improvements
- Evaluate Firefox updater status, deploy by default or as an option
- Merge any acceptable patches by Firefox 37 merge deadline
Timeline from Dev Meeting
July 15
- Enumerate and categorize security slider levels (#9387 (moved)) - Mike
Aug 1
- Deploy existing XPCShell tests (#12570 (moved)) - Nicolas
- Secure hosting for updates (#12623 (moved)) - Erinn?
- Automate update package distribution (#12622 (closed)) - Nicolas
Aug 15
- Deploy alpha with updater (#4234 (moved)) - Mike, Georg
- Initial UI for Security Slider (#9387 (moved)) - Georg
- Persona Test Server (#12193 (closed)) - Isis
Sep 1
- Rebuild + Rebase for FF31ESR (#12460 (moved), #12620 (moved)) - Georg + patch owners
- Update patches for Firefox in Bugzilla (#12619 (moved)) - Georg + patch owners
- Deploy remaining Firefox tests on Linux - Nicolas
Oct 1
- Review FF31ESR (#12621 (moved)) - Mike
Oct 14
- Switch to FF31ESR - Georg
- Sandboxing (#5791 (moved), #4522 (moved)) - Mike + Erinn?
Oct 31
- Circuit and Exit status reporting UI (#8641 (closed)) - Arthur + Tor help
- Apply Mixed Content Blocking Patch - Mike
- Persona Experimentation (Captchas, crypto tweaks: #12193 (closed)) - Isis