Rapid Response Program
We are building a program to respond to censorship events around the world as soon as they happen. What type of response? We will alert users that is happening and what tools they can be using to circumvent it; document information about these events so we can better understand how they were implemented by the censor; and any point of reference related to the social events happening in the region to help provide more context to the event.
Phrases teaching users how to use Tor in case of censorship events
These are phrases people can use on social media to spread the word about how to circumvent censorship. If you want to collaborate with a translation, please test your translated phrase on Twitter to make sure it fits the 140 character limit.
We are brainstorming phrases here -> https://pad.riseup.net/p/RapidResponseProgram
Tor Browser Desktop
EN | Use Tor Browser to access the internet |
PT_BR | Use o navegador Tor para acessar a internet |
ES | Usa el navegador Tor para acceder a internet |
Orbot for Android
EN | Get Orbot for Android to access social media |
PT_BR | Baixe o Orbot para Android p/ acessar redes sociais |
ES | Descarga Orbot para Android para acceder a las redes sociales |
Get Tor
EN | Send a DM to @get_tor for alternative ways to download it |
PT_BR | Mande uma DM p/ @get_tor p formas alternativas de baixar o Tor |
ES | Envía un Mensaje Directo (DM) a @get_tor para obtener enlaces alternativos para descargar el navegador Tor |
Educational Images
Orbot VPN | PT how to animated gif (Tor Browser Desktop) | PT how to image |
https://extra.torproject.org/blog/2016-05-16-tracking-impact-whatsapp-blockage-tor/orbot-vpnmode.png | https://extra.torproject.org/blog/2016-08-PT-animation/pluggable_transports-howto.gif | https://extra.torproject.org/blog/2016-08-PT-animation/pluggable_transports-howto.png |
Check list of organizations and other places to reach out to help spread the word in case of censorship events:
- Global Voices
- Amnesty International (the local researcher in the affected country as well as communications staff)
- Human Rights Watch (the local researcher in the affected country as well as communications staff)
- Liberation Tech mailing list
- Reporters in the affected country via email and Twitter
- Access Now advocacy team (Deji) & tech team (Gustaf) via email
- anti-vigilancia email list - run by Coding Rights
- ??
Latin America (ES)
- Derechos Digitales (twitter @derechosdigital)
Rapid responses so far:
- Brazil Whatsapp blockade - May 2016
- Uganda social media blockade - May 2016
- Turkey social media blockade - July 2016
What we are trying to do with this wiki page:
We want to scale our rapid response outreach campaigns against censorship. For that we need to build a database of messages explaining how to use Tor, or how to get Tor in case our site is censored, or how to use a PT in case our network is censored and many other possible scenarios for our top 12 languages ( EN, AR, FA, ES, RU, zh-CN, PT-BR, FR, DE, KO, TR, IT ).
We must increase our reach by making sure we spread the word to more organizations involved with Internet Freedom efforts in order to generate the ‘snowball’ effect.
Develop a checklist of places to send our messages. And build a rapid response analyses team that can look into different data points to build the story of how the event happened and why. This means working with OONI, journalists, social scientists and etc.
It will be really hard to get all this done in a quarter but we want to build as much we can so this is a sustainable program that can scale and help other members of our community to fight against internet censorship.