Support Portal
Documentation about Support portal.
== Main ticket
#24129 (moved) - work
== New content cycle
- We aim to update once a month, starting on the 10th.
- Community liaison (ggus) will bring the content to change.
- Localization coordinator (emmapeel) and community liaison will ask others to review the modifications and then update the website.
- Localization coordinator update translations in Transifex.
Reference: Community Team thread 201807
=== How to submit content changes
For content changes, you can open a trac ticket and choose the component: Community/Tor Support
. Current tickets:
[[TicketQuery(max=5,status=accepted|assigned|needs_information|needs_review|needs_revision|new|reopened,component=Community/Tor Support,order=id,desc=1,format=table,col=summary|owner,rows=description)]]
Don't see your question answered here? The best way to contact the Tor support team is to reach out to us on IRC in #tor on OFTC. If you've never been on IRC before, here are some instructions to get started. These instructions are for a Mozilla IRC server, so instead of you'll use OFTC. The OFTC server addresses are: (alternative ports: 6668-6670, 7000) or for SSL (alternative port: 9999) (we recommend SSL).
Once you get connected and create a nickname, you can join the channel #tor. More info on getting started on IRC. and here's some info on IRC conventions and etiquette. Once you're on the channel, simply ask your question, be patient, and whoever is available will help you
How do I reach the Tor Project press person?
Sending an email to is the best way to reach a press person.
How do I report a bug or some other issue?
Bug reporting is done through filing tickets on our bug tracker. Unless it is a security bug, then email
Tor Browser Manual with step-by-step instructions on downloading and using Tor Browser. If you're a brand new Tor Browser user, start here!
Glossary of terms about and related to Tor
== Tickets