Bandwidth Authority
Initially planned SoP tasks
implement features we wanted in torflow in sbws instead (1 week)
- bwauth code needs to be smarter about failed circuits #16559 (moved)
- assign the 10-second client timeout as the time for failed circuits? (this was fixed by pastly)
- at least publish failure rates #7281 (moved)
- Understand how accurate the bandwidth authority estimates are #7177 (moved)
- integration tests (1 week)
a practice transition in the test network (1 week, but split up)
- set up torflow
- set up sbws
- compare and switch
work little-t tor needs (3 weeks)
- report version of bwscanners in votes #3723 (moved)
- stop relays reporting zero observed bandwidths #24250 (moved)
- relays should regularly do a larger bandwidth self-test #22453 (moved)
- bandwidth testing circuits should use guards sometimes #19009 (moved)
- report bandwidth more often on test networks #17036 (moved)
- report bandwidth less often on large, public relays #24104 (moved)
non-essential tickets like and (2 weeks) - [ ] if time and motivation
- Have sbws client launch tor itself (this was solved by pastly)
- Evaluate using [not threads, but twisted instead (probably)] (pastly marked this as wontfix)
We created and worked on other tickets since this list was proposed.
SoP parent Ticket:
sbws PRs/issues from 2018/05/14 to 2018/08/31
[[TicketQuery(status=!closed,order=milestone|changetime,desc=1,format=table,col=resolution|summary|component|milestone|modified|owner|reporter|cc|parent|changetime,component=Core Tor/sbws)]]
Tickets changed from 2018/05/14 to 2018/08/31 in sbws component or with bwauth keyword
Initially planned:
- compared total consensus weights across bandwidth authorities (#25459 (moved))
- understand how accurate bandwidth authority measurements are (#7177 (moved))
- find over-weighted relays (#24045 (moved), #10791 (moved))
- map consensus weight vs bandwidth in votes (#24834 (moved))
- provide bwauth votes via the directory protocol (#21377 (moved))
- make authorities without bandwidth scanners vote flags based on measured bandwidths (#11327 (moved))
- reset uptimes / bandwidths when a relay changes IP address (#22308 (moved) / sbws #154 (moved))
- analyse and fix a bug in authority time known (#19162 (moved))
- some bandwidth weight cases not matching the spec (#20284 (moved))
- fix DirAuth weights for other relays, or stop them using other relays (#13297 (moved))
Tickets changed from 1 Oct, 2018 to 21 Mar, 2019 in sbws component or with bwauth keyword
Pending sbws work
Pending Tor tickets with bwauth keyword or scanner or bandwidth in description
Tickets open with bwauth keyword or scanner or bandwidth in description
last two queries do not work with change time, but changetime should be added to see tickets only during sop period