Network Team meetings
Hackfest style meetings
Proposal review meetings
We meet from time to time to discuss and review design proposals. Here are links to notes from some past meetings:
= Date = | = Topic = | = Links to Notes = |
19 Jan 2016 | Guard selection algorithms | Meetbot notes |
22 Jan 2016 | Netflow padding and negotiation (prop 251, prop 254) | Meetbot notes |
26 Jan 2016 | Distributed randomness generation (prop 250) | Meetbot notes |
4 Feb 2016 | Postquantum Crypto (prop 249, prop 263) | Meetbot notes |
8 Feb 2016 | Single-onion services of various forms (prop 252, prop 260, prop 246) | Meeting notes |
12 Feb 2016 | Disabling old clients (prop 264, prop 266) | Meeting notes |
15 Feb 2016 | Changing the weight equations again! (prop 265) | meeting notes |
19 Feb 2016 | Hardening dirauths (props 257, 258) | meeting notes |
16 Mar 2016 | Next-gen hidden services (prop 224) | meeting notes |
17 Mar 2016 | Tor Consensus Transparency (prop 267) | meeting notes |
TODO: Writeme | TODO: writeme |
And here are some upcoming meeting times and topics. (Note that if you are listed as a must-have attendee, it means that we should probably reschedule if it turns out you can't make it.)
- Proposal 999: Including a family of wombats in the Tor distribution
- Thursday, Jan 15, 9:00 am EST (==1400 UTC) NOT FINAL
- Must-have attendees: Alice, Bob, Carol, Dave
- Conflicts: (If you are noting a conflict, please include a big bunch of times when you COULD make it.)
- Nick: I'm busy then, though I'm generally free from 0900-1700 EST. But feel free to go ahead without me. Go wombats!
- ???
- Can-attend: Alice, Carol, Dave
On noting conflicts
- Please note a conflict if you think that you should really be at this meeting.
- Feel free to note a conflict if you think that the meeting could go on without you; but if you do, make sure you say so.
- If you are noting a conflict, please include a big range of times when you COULD make it.
General availability
If you're okay with the world knowing when you're around, you can stick schedule info here. This isn't a commitment; it's meant to be an aid to helping others plan meeting times you can attend.
- I'm happiest to meet: MF 1330-1900 UTC; Tue 1330-2000 UTC; and WTh 1330-2200 UTC.
- I'm usually too sleepy to do anything from 0200 UTC through 1330 UTC.
- I don't like to schedule work on weekends.
- I'm happiest to meet: MTuWTh 2200-0700 UTC.
- I can go as early as 2100 UTC and as late as 1100 UTC with a few days' warning.
- UTC / US Fridays are my Saturdays: I find it hard to make Friday meetings.
- I don't like to schedule work on weekends. Sometimes I don't read email or IRC all weekend.
- When not travelling, I'm happy to meet: weekdays 1300-1800 UTC.
- Any other time plausible but on a best effort basis.
- I'm happiest to meet from 13:00-22:00 UTC Monday to Friday.
- I can go as late as 0200 UTC for meetings but after that my brain is dead.
- Weekends I'm usually afk.
- Any time 17:00-02:00 UTC will usually work. After 02:00 UTC can often work, but not always.
- I don't work on weekends, and try to avoid working on holidays (though varies by holiday).
- I'm available 12:30-21:00 UTC from Monday to Friday, but might check-in and leave earlier on Fridays.
- Weekends should be scheduled in advanced, but I'm likely reachable by email/IRC.
- I'm generally available 15:00-23:00 UTC Monday to Friday.
- I don't like to schedule work on weekends.
- Usually in irc from 1600 to 0000 UTC Monday to Friday.
- You can leave a personal message for me and I will reply it when I'm around.
- I set myself in away AFK when I'm not around.