Team rotation
(The calendar below was autogenerated from a script at , also attached to this page. Please feel free to trade assignments with other people!)
March, 2019
= Week of = | = Bug triage = | = CI+Coverity = |
= 2019-03-04 = | nickm | ahf |
= 2019-03-11 = | teor | asn |
= 2019-03-18 = | ahf | catalyst |
= 2019-03-25 = | asn | dgoulet |
April, 2019
= Week of = | = Bug triage = | = CI+Coverity = |
= 2019-04-01 = | catalyst | mikeperry |
= 2019-04-08 = | dgoulet | nickm |
= 2019-04-15 = | mikeperry | teor |
= 2019-04-22 = | nickm | ahf |
= 2019-04-29 = | teor | asn |
May, 2019
= Week of = | = Bug triage = | = CI+Coverity = |
= 2019-05-06 = | ahf | catalyst |
= 2019-05-13 = | asn | dgoulet |
= 2019-05-20 = | catalyst | mikeperry |
= 2019-05-27 = | dgoulet | nickm |
June, 2019
= Week of = | = Bug triage = | = CI+Coverity = |
= 2019-06-03 = | mikeperry | teor |
= 2019-06-10 = | nickm | ahf |
= 2019-06-17 = | teor | ahf |
= 2019-06-24 = | ahf | catalyst |
July, 2019
= Week of = | = Bug triage = | = CI+Coverity = |
= 2019-07-01 = | asn | dgoulet |
= 2019-07-08 = | catalyst | mikeperry |
= 2019-07-15 = | dgoulet | nickm |
= 2019-07-22 = | mikeperry | teor |
= 2019-07-29 = | nickm | ahf |
Active Weekly roles
Bug triage:
- See the Bug Triage guide. It's a work in progress!
- Minimal version: once every day you're working...
- Make sure that all '"- Select a component" tickets' get a component.
- Make sure that all tickets in "Core Tor/Tor" and tickets in "Core Tor/sbws" get a milestone.
- Label as needs_review any tickets that got a patch (Tor recently modified tickets, sbws recently modified tickets or timeline for the last 4 days)
- Adding/Removing keywords to properly classify the ticket
Coverity response
- Try to fix any newly reported issues from coverity scan. If they're not immediately obvious, see if they're a possible security issue. If not, open a ticket. If so, escalate.
- To escalate, send an encrypted email to (the list key is on the keyservers signed by many of us on the list).
- Include the CID in the ticket summary, and tag the ticket with "coverity".
CI response
- Once each day you're working:
- Check the org/teams/NetworkTeam/CIFailures summary page
- Make sure that all the travis-ci, appveyor, and jenkins Tor and sbws CI is passing on master and all supported maint branches:
- (The above list should be consistent with the previous summary page but might not be yet.)
- If not, open a ticket and/or escalate:
- If they break, ''and the fix is easy quick and obvious'', either fix them or let the people who broke them know. (Travis and Appveyor email the committer. Jenkins doesn't, see #25819 (moved)).
- If it is a Tor build failure due to a missing or broken dependency:
- If it is failing in ./configure, file a ticket to update the build system:
- For Travis or Appveyor: Core Tor/Tor
- For Jenkins: Internal Services/Jenkins
- If it is failing in ./configure, file a ticket to update the build system:
- If it is a compile or test failure, file a ticket against Core Tor/Tor or Core Tor/sbws
- Before you file a ticket, check the tor-ci or sbws-ci keywords. If you file a ticket, tag it with tor-ci or sbws-ci.
Long-term roles
Release Maintainers
The current maintainers are listed beside each release.
Details of the duties and processes on maintaining the Tor code base can be found here:
Assigners of Reviews
- Once a week, assign needs_review tickets in Tor and sbws to team members
- Currently dgoulet and asn
Team observer
- Sit in other teams' weekly meetings
- Maybe read their ticket updates, etc?
- Help us understand what they need, help them understand what we need.
- eg TBB, Metrics, UX, Community, OONI, Anti-Censorship
- Currently gaba
Roles that everybody will play weekly
Every week each of us will spend some time on each of this tasks.
15 minutes bug fixes
- When there are new bugs that can be fixed in 15 minutes, fix them.
- If there are new patches that can be merged in 15 minutes, merge them
- "15 minutes" is an arbitrary interval.
Community person
- Interacts with user questions, finding answers if they don't know them. Helps out new volunteers with patches, etc.
- Easy tickets:
Design Meetings
- Identifies open design proposals that need more work, and organizes meetings (if needed) to move them forward.
Frontline tech support (#tor, tor-relays@)
- Keep an eye on places where people ask tech support questions.
- Try to help with helping them.
- Help report bugs and usability issues.
- The main goal here is to make sure that our team remains aware of what people are having trouble with.