I've been getting a lot of EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION_READ crashes myself within the last month, both with https-everywhere-4.0development.16.xpi and https-everywhere-3.5.1.xpi. I at least wanted to report it here and see if it's a known issue and is being worked on or what. If you'd want crash dumps or whatnot, I'd be happy to submit whatever. Thanks.
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I haven't seen this on my system (Debian Jessie, Firefox 29). What os/firefox version are you using? Did you also get crashes with 4.0dev.15?
I've experienced the crashes on 3 separate systems, all using Windows 7 64bit with Firefox 28 and 29. I'll note though I also don't get any crashes with Tails 1.0 (on the same systems), which is Debian based.
The crash signature isn't always the same. The only thing in common is that is always EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION_READ or EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION_WRITE. It always happens when some page is loading or switching between tabs, never when idle. I don't know exactly how to reproduce it...
Here I post a set of crashes that I've been having, the first is from 2014-04-16, two days after https everywhere 3.5 was released(now at 3.5.1). Also I tried a few days ago to disable that extension and it didn't happened anymore.
The first set is from Windows 7 64bit and the last two are from Windows 7 32bit.
Experiencing the same problem on all my three computers (Win 7 32-bit, Win 7 64-bit, Win 8.1 64-bit). Also like marcopal I can' really reproduce the bug easily as it happens so randomly. In either case disabling HTTPS Everywhere solves the problem. Bug exist on both 3.5.1 and 4.0development.16
Two crash reports from my laptop running the 32-bit Win 7, one with 3.5.1 and one with 4.0dev.16:
I may have fairly good empirical evidence that https-everywhere 3.5.1 or 4.0development is correlated with Firefox crashes of certain signatures. What follows are the crash signatures in which https-everywhere is present in all crash reports of those signatures.
I have seen this 1 to 2 times every day since Firefox 29 was released. Disabling HTTPS Everywhere prevents the crash
Tested on both Firefox 29.0.1 for Mac OS X 10.7.5
And Firefox 29.0 for Ubuntu Linux 12.04 (x86)
EDIT: I should have mentioned, that the crash always happenes within 1-2 seconds of opening a new tab (but definitely not every time I opened a new tab, just once or twice a day immediately after opening a new tab)
I've been seeing crashing on FF 28, 29, and now 30 that I just tracked down to HTTPS Everywhere 3.5.1. It seems like the crashing is due to some sort of random memory corruption because the backtrace in GDB is random and different every time.
I'm running 64bit Firefox on Linux, compiled from source (via Gentoo).
The crashing was easily reproducible by browsing a local Bugzilla instance. Usually Firefox would crash on the very first bug I opened but when it survived the first, it never made it past the third before crashing.
When I avoided the local bugzilla instance the crashing was much more random an unpredictable but I'd usually get > 1 random crash a day.
Also, if it turns out this is happening on 4.0dev.15 but not 4.0dev.14, it's likely related to the fact that we transitioned from using an in-memory xml data structure for rulesets to a sqlite db.
Has anyone confirmed/denied that 4.0dev.17 fixes the crash? (I would assume not.)
Yan Zhu, thanks for looking into this. If you look at my previous comment, it seems that 3.5.1, 4.0development.16 and 4.0development17 are all involved. I have found Firefox crash signatures in which HTTPS Everywhere (in either one of these versions) are involved in all reports.
I tried turning off SSL Observatory and this is all that I got instead of the settings:
An orange window saying this:
XML-tolkningsfel: fel i behandling av extern entitetsreferensAdress: !chrome://https-everywhere/content/observatory-preferences.xulRadnummer 4, Kolumn 80:<!DOCTYPE overlay SYSTEM "!chrome://https-everywhere/locale/ssl-observatory.dtd">-------------------------------------------------------------------------------!^