Global South
Welcome to the Global South page. The goal of this initiative is to get more people from the Global South involved in the Tor community (as users, relay operators, developers, trainers, etc). We also want to recognize and work with the people who are already doing great work related to Tor and the Tor ecosystem in their communities.
Get in Touch
- Mailing List: Tor Global South
- IRC Channel:
@ [Network] - - Next online meeting: January 28th, 2020 - 1600 UTC in #tor-south
What | When | Where | Event Notes | More Info |
What | When | Where | Event Notes | More Info |
Tor Training in SFLC | February 12th - 10am-1pm | SFLC.IN - New Delhi India | notes | - |
Tor talk IIT Delhi (devclub IITD) | February 12th - 5pm - 8pm | IIT New Delhi - LHC, building LH-318, India | notes | - |
Tor training with Hasgeek | February 14th | hasgeek office in Bangalore, India | - | - |
Tor Meetup Jakarta | February 26th | Purplecode, Jakarta, Indonesia | ||
Flisol Bogotá | April 27th | Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá, Colombia | - | Programación |
Tor Meetup São Paulo | May 2 | Ateliê do Gervásio | - | Tor Project blog |
CryptoRave | May 3 and 4 | Sao Paulo, Brazil | - | CryptoRave website |
TorSiendo | May 11 | San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico | - | TorSiendo poster |
CriptoCumbión | May 18 | Rancho Electronico, CDMX, MX | - | Tor Project blog |
Mexico Relay Operator Meetup | May 20 | UNAM, CDMX, MX | - | Reunion de Operadoras y Operadores |
What | When | Where | Event Notes | More Info |
CryptoRave 2018 | May 4-5 | Sao Paulo, Brazil | [[ | Blog post](] |
Oficina de Tor na Matilha Cultural | May 8 | Sao Paulo, Brazil | - | [[ |
Encuentro Tor: La resistencia digital | June 20 | Hacklab Bogota / Colombia | - | [[ |
Tor Meetup Porto Alegre | July 12 | Cr1pt0 - Porto Alegre | - | [[ |
FISL 18 | July 12 - 14 | Porto Alegre / Brazil | - | [[ |
Privafest | Aug 4 | San José de Costa Rica | - | [[ |
IX Seminário de Proteção à Privacidade e aos Dados Pessoais | Aug 8 | Sao Paulo, Brazil | Blog post | Streaming (audio Pt_BR), Streaming (audio EN) |
Tor Meetup Ciudad de México | Sep 27 | Ciudad de México (MX) | - | Blog post |
Tormenta - Diálogos feministas | Oct 4th | Ciudad de México (MX) | - | Blogpost |
Coloquio «Mecanismos de Privacidad y Anonimato en Redes» | Oct 4th and 5th | Ciudad de México (MX) | Event website | |
Hackmitin 2018 (MX) | Nov 16 - 18 | Guadalajara (MX) | - | Hackmitin |
Cryptoparty (SP) | Dec 01 | São Paulo (BR) | - | CritpoFesta Sampa Blog post |
CriptoAxe | Dec 08 | Salvador (BR) | - | CriptoAxe Blog post |
CriptoCerrado | Dec 15 | Brasilia (BR) | - | CriptoCerrado Blog post |
What | When | Where | Event Notes | More Info |
CryptoRave 2017 | May 5-6 | Sao Paulo, Brazil | [[/wiki/org/meetings/2017SaoPauloMeetup | Event Notes]] |
Tor Gathering | May 11 | Sao Paulo, Brazil | | |
Dialogue about mechanisms of privacy and anonymity online | May 17 | UNAM, Mexico | [[Video]( | Event)], [[Notes]( |
CryptoFesta - Tor meetup | August 26 | Sao Paulo, Brazil | | |
Introdução sobre privacidade na internet e Tor | September 23 | Teresina, PI, Brazil | [[Slides (Portuguese)]( | Presentation)] |
I semana de computação - Introdução sobre o Tor | September 27 | Caxias, MA, Brazil | | |
Tor meetup | October 4 | Buenos Aires, Argentina | [[/wiki/org/meetings/2017BuenosAiresMeetup | Event Notes]] |
Tor meetup | October 27 | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | | |
Encontro Unificado de Computação (ENUCOMP) | November 15-17 | Parnaíba, Brazil | [[Slides]( | Presentation)] |
V International Symposium LAVITS 2017 | November 29 - December 01 | Santiago, Chile | [[/wiki/org/meetings/2017LAVITS | Event Notes]] |
Primavera Hacker 17 | December 02 - 03 | Santiago, Chile | [[/wiki/org/meetings/2017PrimaveraHacker | Event Notes]] |
- Global South Tor Trainer Support
We are working with trainers in several areas of the Global South, including South Asia, East Africa, and MENA, providing travel funding and guidance in support of their local Tor trainings. Through this initiative we're hoping to grow the network of Tor users and trainers and get much-needed usability feedback so that we can build our tools specific to the needs of people in the south.
Partnership with TECS Grupo de Comput{ação Social} from Universidade de São Paulo (USP) to get students involved as volunteers in Tor Project.
- Tor Relay Campaign in Latin America
A "run a relay" campaign focused in Latin America to teach about Tor, its use cases, and how to help the network by running relays (hopefully exit relays). The target audience for this campaign is mainly universities, as they probably have the bandwidth and technical skills for hosting a relay. For the moment, this campaign will be done by Derechos Digitales, but we are looking for more allies in the region.
== Tor Meeting discussions ==
Date | Tor Meeting | Notes |
2017 | Amsterdam | GlobalSouth1 and GlobalSouth2 |
2017 | Montreal | Global South |
2018 | Mexico City | Global South 1 and Global South 2 |
=== By Region and country ===
- Latin America -
- Costa Rica -
- Mexico -
- Brazil -
Legal aspects of running relays in countries of Latin America (ongoing work).
Deploying Tor Relays with Ansible: [ English] | [ Portuguese]
TorBSD Diversity Project (TDP)
- Wiki Pages [ English] | [ Portuguese] | [ Spanish]
- [ TEMPLATE: ''torrc'' com Pequenas Notas em Português (Portuguese)]
- [ TEMPLATE: ''torrc'' em Versão Reduzida (English)]
- ARTICLE: Conhecendo e Desmistificando Tor (Portuguese)
- MEDIA: Tor Project's Media Archive (Multiple Languages)
- Open Letter to BSD-powered Companies and Projects: English | Portuguese
=== MISC ===
Online meetings
Topic | When | Where | Meeting Notes | More Info |
Global South Meeting | 10-04-2019 | #tor-south | notes | - |
Global South Meeting | 01-03-2019 | #tor-south | notes | |
Global South Meeting | 29-01-2019 | #tor-south | meeting notes | [[Meeting Agenda]( |
CryptoRave 2018 | 26-02-2018 | #tor-south (OFTC IRC server) | [Minutes]( | Meeting) |